Insomnia; What does it mean and how can you help reduce the challenges?
Dr. Stacy Storey Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder, unfortunately. Insomnia can cause challenges with falling asleep, staying asleep, or returning to sleep after you’ve woken up. Insomnia can come on for the short term, which is called transient insomnia, it...
What is BPD?
Dr. Stacy Storey If you have heard the acronym BPD, you know that it stands for Borderline Personality Disorder. What does this mean though? What does BPD look like, and how do you support people in your life who might struggle with BPD symptoms? As we know,...
What is Trauma
Often clients ask if a particular event in their life would be considered traumatic. It seems as though trauma and traumatic events are not well defined in our day-to-day lives. The basic definition of trauma is the lasting emotional response that commonly appears...
Walking and Mental Health
Dr. Stacy Storey Does walking really have an impact on our mental health? Let’s check it out. Everywhere you look you see people doing 10,000 steps a day for 30 days, or various challenges for walking and body movement during the day. While we know that there are...