Insomnia; What does it mean and how can you help reduce the challenges?
Dr. Stacy Storey Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder, unfortunately. Insomnia can cause challenges with falling asleep, staying asleep, or returning to sleep after you’ve woken up. Insomnia can come on for the short term, which is called transient insomnia, it...
Emotional Intelligence Skill Building
Dr. Stacy Storey Emotional intelligence is built up by self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, motivation, and social skills. Self-regulation is something that comes up a lot in counseling sessions because people often view self-regulation as a separate entity from...Covid and Depression
Dr. Stacy Storey For those of you who have had to endure covid, or know someone who has struggled through it, you know that the effects are long-lasting. One of the common ongoing, lasting, symptoms is covid depression. Covid depression has impacted almost half of the...